Tuesday 10 November 2009


coming soon.....


Designers Republic were one of the groups who got me interested in design, and Michael C Place is from DR stock. Now running build London whos work is phenominal. aw this clip on youtube, and thought it was fantastic.

Cant get the video embedded but heres the link. Its incredible.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Broken Bottle

"If you take footage of a bottle shattering and play it backwards, you can see the broken pieces whoosh back together to form a bottle again, thats a good metaphor for design. You dont know what the fragments are going to create, and some pieces may be far out of reach. A designer has to take all these shattered pieces and combine them into a concrete item in one instant. This is interesting. It needs to be done instantaneously, without missing a single piece."

Naoto Fukasawa

The most eloquent and beautiful definition of design I have come accross. Really lovely metaphor, and quite comprehensive.


entering 2 competitions in next few weeks- have been doing some really interesting research with the stockwell drug project and kings college hospital- will post updates as the projects develops. Lovely people doing extraordinary work!

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Sneak Peak

Of work I have been tidying up.....Mostly CAD work. The joys of Hypershot have become apparent. Its certainly a revelation!

Busy times

Been a busy few weeks- moved into new flat with a few people- its a bit of a dump- cleaned like a madman for a few days but getting better- and I am now online! woo.

Also finished my full time internship- although have been doing some work for them still. Was such a fantastic experience and the guys at Curventa were so good to me- have really learnt alot.
Since then I have been trying to get my ahead around my dissertation research and also tidying up some old projects, so i don't have to come back to them to much this year. Also have a new camera so have been testing it around town- really impressed with it- first SLR and I will never go back.
Design festival starts this week- super excited. I have signed up for Jam designs Brompton bike tours which should be interesting. Ill post up how it went....
Also I will shortly be moving the blog to my new website...and wordpress but will post up links shortly. Going to try and keep more up to date with it and post some discussions up.

Sunday 2 August 2009

The bug of negativity.

I have been particularly unwell for 2 weeks now, literally wasn't able to move or do anything for 90 % of that time, was in agony. As it coincided with swine flu epidemic that was obviously what was diagnosed, without ever seeing or speaking with a doctor. Anyway the symptoms got no better so I am now on 11 pills a day but am gradually on the mend. Has been really awful and really frustrating but has given me a good rest that my body really needed.

It has also given a huge amount of time to reflect and think about different subjects.

One topic I have had on my mind alot is negativity and criticism, and have discussed this with friends and colleagues alot. Over the past few months I have been becoming increasingly aware of the use of blogging as a way to insult

The Internet has given people a cloak to hide behind, and become "armchair" or office chair critics on pretty much every subject. The problem with alot of these critics is they never get out of their chairs, never experience the world, rarely socialise. The problem I have is when people are constantly negative and derogatory about peoples work and ideas, when they have no relevant experience or understanding to offer such flippant remarks and pass judgements. What I don't understand is why if you hate something so much, you devote the time in your life to writing a damnation of it on your blog or website. Why not focus on the things you do like, or explore new things that might bring you some enjoyment. To be able to be balanced and objective you have to have lived some form of life, seen some of the world, met different people from different cultures, try new things. If you are not open to new things then you become sterile- hence this negativity ensues.

What makes these people such experts. To me if you haven't physically seen the product, building, place or played with it, experienced it then you cant pass judgement. How can you judge something having never experienced or tried it. Surely there must be more to this product that what is illustrate in a photo and write up. I see a massive correlation between these bloggers and people who blog on celebrities. This constant negativity surrounding the way these people look, dress ect is abhorrent. Its the same thing- judging something or someone having never met or experiencing them.

I think by all means everyone is entitled to their own opinions and the Internet is a fantastic tool and forum to enter into debate and have critical discussions, but I think make sure you have your own shop in order before deciding to slander others, some of whom are literally leaders in their field.

Another thing that I have also noticed when speaking to people, mostly design students is about idea theft.

As Bill Buxton said in a lecture I saw with him, you should be having great ideas every ten minutes, if you are not then you are not a designer. Ideas are not precious.

A few months ago a friend of mine who is a designer produced a project proposal for an installation. he wasn't commissioned. When the installation was installed they had used alot of their ideas, and he had gotten no recognition. Of course he was annoyed and felt a bit duped, but he didn't moan, he didn't cry, and he didn't bang on about it. He is a creative, optimistic guy and has a million ideas a second so he moved on. I think he learnt a lesson though.

Since being on my internship at curventa this has become even more apparent to me. These guys are coming up with ideas all the time, talking about different ideas and getting stuff done. What I have learnt is that of course having good ideas is extremely important, its the building block from which a successful product/ service can grow from, but people are so misguided if they think that the idea is precious. If you cannot deliver upon that idea, develop it, force it through manufacture, and get it sold, then all it is, is an idea. Its so cool to have a chance to sit in on brainstorms and discuss ideas with the guys there, really great experience because they are so enthusiastic and excited by it.

Anyway, rant over.....

What I have found is that being around negative people brings you down, you sink to their level. I have decided that going forward I will be avoiding negativity in all forms, and trying to remain possitive and upbeat, and more importantly perhaps objective. It must be so horrible to be so pissed off all the time.......

Im planning to hopefully have a small inspiration trip in september before returning to uni, try and pick up some observations and insights for some new projects. Anyone has any suggestions let me know.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Bits and Bobs and RCA

Havent posted up for ages. Apologies.

I have been quite a busy boy I must say. My internship is going pretty well, really enjoying it anyway and learning heaps of things interms of how things are manufactured, building 3d models for manufacture, a different side to the design process than I have een before which has been really cool to get an idea of how different people work. Its been really busy there too, lots of work and they are moving offices friday ( my birthday) which has been a bit manic for them I think. Its honestly so fun though and all the guys there are really top blokes, really funny and down to earth which has made me feel at ease.

Apart from that I have been reading bits and pieces for my dissertation, and learning a bit more on solidworks. Not as much as i should though because ive been catching the sunshine and eeing alot of bands which has been great- to have a bit of a balance for a bit.

Went to the RCA graduate show which I thought was really strong. I thought alot of the projects were really interesting and well thought out, and there ere some really beautiful and interesting ideas. Loved Dominic Hargreaves' bike- being a bit of a cyclist myself I thought it was a really incredible bit of work. Really cool guy too managed to have a chat with him a few times over past few months and hes a good guy and so enthusiastic.

Check out his website at www.eyetohand.com

I am trying to purchase a SLR as soon as that happens this page will be photos galore! moneys tight though what with moving place and also needed a new computer. oh dear.

Anyways I attempt to have the blog back up and running properly soon- maybe moving to my own site though as my good friend Andrew Jordan, website guru has assured me its on its way.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

No posts for a while...

sorry, been pretty busy, have been doing my internship at Curventa during the day and uni work at night, plus practicing and learning solidworks and photoshop stuff. Its been pretty wild.

Internship is going pretty well, really like the company, and the people are awesome, give you loads of time, and are a good laugh. Its been a bit weird because first proper proper internship and feel a bit naive and a bit stupid.... and like I cant offer a whole lot at the moment- but am trying to be like a sponge and just absorb as much as i can. I have picked up tonnes of stuff already that will definitely help me out further.

anyways I got to go write a report for uni for tomorrow but hopefully this summer will be exciting so more posts to come.

Sunday 31 May 2009


Was fantastic. still tickets so go check it out.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Cinq Cinq Designers. Design and designer book

When I was in Milan a few weeks ago I went to the Cinq Cinq show. i have had huge admiration for them for a while now, and I bought a small book by them whilst i was there. I have read it and it is a really great quick read. It details alot of their projects and gives a clear indication of their process and ideas on design, and the "medicine for objects", producing objects that prolong other objects that are seen as dead, or obsolete. Their approach is quite conceptual and extremely honest and really refreshing. A really fantastic company thoroughly focused on thinking! Clever and smart observation, and simple design solutions with real moral and social conscience.

designing interactions.

Just got through designing interactions by Bill Moggridge. Really fantastic and insightful book into the birth and development of interaction design as a discipline. There's some really fascinating parts of the book, what I found most interesting was the Doug Engelbart section on inventing the mouse, and printers for digital photography section. The book is great and I am going to re read it and make heaps of notes because it is probably the most comprehensive book on interaction design I have seen. Its really beautifully illustrated as well especially the drawings by Bill Verplank. A must read. Also there is a lecture by Moggridge at Stanford on YouTube about the book, with excerpts from the DVD. Link below.


Objectified Tomorrow.

So so excited, so much so infact I will be missing the at least the first half of the champions league final.....

So cool.

Lego have made some frank lloyd wright arcitechture models. so cool. Falling water and the guggenheim are the two I have seen.

Monday 25 May 2009

Pretty Green.

Cannot wait for this stuff to come out, about time someone made some clothes that people can actually wear. Love what he says about skinny clothes and pointy shoes.

Secured Internship at Curventa.

Oh Yeah!
Excited and scared, seem like great guys so really looking forward to it.

Monday 4 May 2009

My Top 6 Things about Australia.

So, as I stated previously I really loved being out in Australia, and as soon as I graduate I am packing my bags and going for a year- FACT. Hopefully my buddy Alex is going to come with me and get a place for a year. See as theyl be no jobs, and swine flu may have destroyed London im going to use my savings head to Japan for a month or so, then its to OZ. Met some Ozzy designers who reckon they can hook me up out there, and if not a working holiday doing bar work will be fine. Then I want on my way back to go West coast of America up the coast from LA, and then home????

So, I digress, my top 6 (??) Things about Sydney, in no paticular order are as follows,

1) CAROLINE PREISS-The aussie princess/ giant slayer. Fact- this girl is crazy crazy. A proper generous and selfless person with an amazing attitude- bloody hot too. haha.miss you loads Dexter!!!
2) BIG P SAUNDERS A.K.A BIG DADDY- I shall follow this man to the end of the Earth haha
3) Banana Bread/ Pancakes- Cannot choose between them, both awsome and cheap.
4) NEWTOWN- awsome place- cool bars restuarants and houses.
5) Empire of the sun (Although apparently their big here too), actually I may replace this with being able to get tickets to gigs easily- London is a pain in the arse for this.
6) The amazing views- I am a tourist, however the views there were amazing, picturesque. Its a place where you suddenly realise its probably the best place on Earth, welllll......with London.

Any of my mates in OZ who read this- thanks so much for all your hospitality, love, and beers. miss everyone alot. Come to London!!

Sunday 3 May 2009

some pics milano

Milan 2009

Went out to Milan last weekend for the end of design week. Was a really enjoyable weekend, and saw alot of great stuff, and alot of not so great stuff. I think the credit crunch had maybe hit, as there was alot of companies who wernt showing anything new. I have listed my highlights below, and will hopefully get some pics up soon. Great time, great food, great wine and free beer. Met loads of cool people aswell- first major chance to network which was quite fun.

1) Cinq Cinq (5.5) Exhibit
2) Established and Sons show- Insane!
3) Panasonic lighting- Naoto Fukasawa/ patricia urquiola energy efficient lighting
4) Superstudio- in paticular Phillips installation by RANDOM INTERNATIONAL

Loads more but cant remember. Heres Tsuyoshi at Established and Sons, on Sam hechts new BENCH/ TABLE

Saturday 2 May 2009

Wednesday 22 April 2009

One of the most insane video parts I have seen. Danny Macaskill

Inspired. Danny MacAskill from dave on Vimeo.

great song too- band of horses I think. Saw this on fixed gear londons weblog.

Saturday 18 April 2009

just back

just back from Australia and had an amazing time and met some truely amazing people. loved it so much and think as soon as im set thats where ill be setting up camp. love so much about it i cannot describe it- i will try post what i loved at a later date. in the meantime saw this today off fixed gear london weblog- entry for the competition for the vans bike. really beautiful setting, really beautiful riding, and really brilliantly filmed. enjoy!

- FIXED GEAR - The invaders from Androsky Knauer on Vimeo.

Monday 23 March 2009


Arrived after the flight from hell. 33 hours- 7 hour delay. Longting!
although well worth man 28 degrees

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Long time, No speak.

Sorry, long time since last post been really busy working on a project with my designer friend Martin Charlier. Has been a really interesting process, and we are getting some great results and some really good feedback. Ill post up some stuff once the project is complete.

Also going to Singapore and Australia on Saturday so has been really manic getting things sorted, that along with trying to secure placements has lead to huge stress. still no luck on the placement front but over my break I will rejuvenate and come back strong after Easter ready to pester people to death.

The reason for the post was I wanted to share a few things I have been interested in recently. Firstly, Theres a really great website from a guy called Rory Hamilton. He works at Live/ work, a service/ interaction based company who do really interesting things and are really forward thinking. Anyway, he has a website where he puts his opinions and tips for designers ect. The website is www.everythingiknow.co.uk. Its really worth a read.

Secondly a friend of mine from college; Miguel Dolton, has been working on a door handle and it is lovely. So here's a few pictures.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

David kelley article.

really interesting article on design thinking.


Saturday 28 February 2009

Paul Bennett. IDEO

Another talk on TED- this is a lovely talk by Paul Bennett- talking about user expereinces, and techniques developed by ideo for designing interactions- and focusing on the small details that amke a huge difference- somthing that I think is often missed.



Tuesday 17 February 2009


new trainers. saw a sweet nike t shirt today with the slogan "nice airs".

sketchy time.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Siftables. Amazing

David Merrill works on Siftables, tiny computer blocks that interact with each other to make networks

Friday 13 February 2009

Tom Dixon

Went to the Tom Dixon lecture at the V & A tonight- was part of their Friday night lecture series. It was a really interesting presentation he gave and the discussion after was also insightful. The lecture focused on the opening of his own "brand"- as hes now producing his own stuff through his own company. After going to his show at Milan furniture fair last year it was nice to hear the story behind it.
I found that he thought about things in a very similar way to alot of people I have spoken to- and struggles in a way that I do with the concept of design. He spoke very eloquently and humbly (if that's a word) about what interests him- that he is interested not specifically in crafting an idea- but the entire process- so from raw material to the consumer.
He also discussed what is meant by "Britishness" to him. This is a subject that I have been thinking alot about recently- as I am working on a range of projects with a friend of mine who is German- and I find he has- in many respects quite different approaches- and we think that this is cultural in some respects.
Dixon spoke about a heaviness, and an honesty to British design- and also it being less "wizzy". He thinks that's British design focuses on what the thing has to do, and how it will be made- and applies style based on this. He spoke about differences in aesthetic between different design cultures.
He also said that design is not a "thing"- it is something that everyone does in some way- and also talked about the links with his musical past- in terms of entertaining and performing- and discussed how most of his best ideas come from his mistakes.
It really has inspired me and revived my interest in design- as if someone of his stature struggles with some of the issues surrounding "design" then maybe its not such a bad thing. I think that trying things and experimenting is such a positive thing- and I am going to continue to follow in this vain.
It was really interesting- and he was a very charming, reserved and modest gentleman.

More hasbro stuff.

Amended the sizes- so they can be produced from one piece of ply on the laser cutter bed. also made the slot at the bottom and started making the figures- should be finished next week. need some nice rope/ string to hang it.