Monday 4 May 2009

My Top 6 Things about Australia.

So, as I stated previously I really loved being out in Australia, and as soon as I graduate I am packing my bags and going for a year- FACT. Hopefully my buddy Alex is going to come with me and get a place for a year. See as theyl be no jobs, and swine flu may have destroyed London im going to use my savings head to Japan for a month or so, then its to OZ. Met some Ozzy designers who reckon they can hook me up out there, and if not a working holiday doing bar work will be fine. Then I want on my way back to go West coast of America up the coast from LA, and then home????

So, I digress, my top 6 (??) Things about Sydney, in no paticular order are as follows,

1) CAROLINE PREISS-The aussie princess/ giant slayer. Fact- this girl is crazy crazy. A proper generous and selfless person with an amazing attitude- bloody hot too. haha.miss you loads Dexter!!!
2) BIG P SAUNDERS A.K.A BIG DADDY- I shall follow this man to the end of the Earth haha
3) Banana Bread/ Pancakes- Cannot choose between them, both awsome and cheap.
4) NEWTOWN- awsome place- cool bars restuarants and houses.
5) Empire of the sun (Although apparently their big here too), actually I may replace this with being able to get tickets to gigs easily- London is a pain in the arse for this.
6) The amazing views- I am a tourist, however the views there were amazing, picturesque. Its a place where you suddenly realise its probably the best place on Earth, welllll......with London.

Any of my mates in OZ who read this- thanks so much for all your hospitality, love, and beers. miss everyone alot. Come to London!!

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