Sunday 2 August 2009

The bug of negativity.

I have been particularly unwell for 2 weeks now, literally wasn't able to move or do anything for 90 % of that time, was in agony. As it coincided with swine flu epidemic that was obviously what was diagnosed, without ever seeing or speaking with a doctor. Anyway the symptoms got no better so I am now on 11 pills a day but am gradually on the mend. Has been really awful and really frustrating but has given me a good rest that my body really needed.

It has also given a huge amount of time to reflect and think about different subjects.

One topic I have had on my mind alot is negativity and criticism, and have discussed this with friends and colleagues alot. Over the past few months I have been becoming increasingly aware of the use of blogging as a way to insult

The Internet has given people a cloak to hide behind, and become "armchair" or office chair critics on pretty much every subject. The problem with alot of these critics is they never get out of their chairs, never experience the world, rarely socialise. The problem I have is when people are constantly negative and derogatory about peoples work and ideas, when they have no relevant experience or understanding to offer such flippant remarks and pass judgements. What I don't understand is why if you hate something so much, you devote the time in your life to writing a damnation of it on your blog or website. Why not focus on the things you do like, or explore new things that might bring you some enjoyment. To be able to be balanced and objective you have to have lived some form of life, seen some of the world, met different people from different cultures, try new things. If you are not open to new things then you become sterile- hence this negativity ensues.

What makes these people such experts. To me if you haven't physically seen the product, building, place or played with it, experienced it then you cant pass judgement. How can you judge something having never experienced or tried it. Surely there must be more to this product that what is illustrate in a photo and write up. I see a massive correlation between these bloggers and people who blog on celebrities. This constant negativity surrounding the way these people look, dress ect is abhorrent. Its the same thing- judging something or someone having never met or experiencing them.

I think by all means everyone is entitled to their own opinions and the Internet is a fantastic tool and forum to enter into debate and have critical discussions, but I think make sure you have your own shop in order before deciding to slander others, some of whom are literally leaders in their field.

Another thing that I have also noticed when speaking to people, mostly design students is about idea theft.

As Bill Buxton said in a lecture I saw with him, you should be having great ideas every ten minutes, if you are not then you are not a designer. Ideas are not precious.

A few months ago a friend of mine who is a designer produced a project proposal for an installation. he wasn't commissioned. When the installation was installed they had used alot of their ideas, and he had gotten no recognition. Of course he was annoyed and felt a bit duped, but he didn't moan, he didn't cry, and he didn't bang on about it. He is a creative, optimistic guy and has a million ideas a second so he moved on. I think he learnt a lesson though.

Since being on my internship at curventa this has become even more apparent to me. These guys are coming up with ideas all the time, talking about different ideas and getting stuff done. What I have learnt is that of course having good ideas is extremely important, its the building block from which a successful product/ service can grow from, but people are so misguided if they think that the idea is precious. If you cannot deliver upon that idea, develop it, force it through manufacture, and get it sold, then all it is, is an idea. Its so cool to have a chance to sit in on brainstorms and discuss ideas with the guys there, really great experience because they are so enthusiastic and excited by it.

Anyway, rant over.....

What I have found is that being around negative people brings you down, you sink to their level. I have decided that going forward I will be avoiding negativity in all forms, and trying to remain possitive and upbeat, and more importantly perhaps objective. It must be so horrible to be so pissed off all the time.......

Im planning to hopefully have a small inspiration trip in september before returning to uni, try and pick up some observations and insights for some new projects. Anyone has any suggestions let me know.

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