Tuesday 16 December 2008


went out on thursday as it was our final day at uni before christmas and we had our traditional product one week project- this year it was titled reverse. we did a film called the reverse olympics which came joint top and won some CAVA which was very nice.

we then all went out as Carl clerkin was leaving so we went and got him truely drunk, it was a really good night and everyone had a good laugh. Carl mentioned he may have some work for me over christmas too which would be cool- although he mentioned this before and after his drinks im hoping he remembers. maybe a reminder is in order.

currently working on my portfolio as i have a broken foot- literally snapped playing football which was extremely painful. so havent been able to get out and about. should be fine by the end of the week though- well good enough to hobble around town. also trying to sketch out my fresh designs for my sustainable transport project- as i found an example that was too similar to mine. godamm it back to the drawing board!

design xmas market...

christmas market down at somerset house this weekend 19- 21st I beleive. loads of good stuff going down there, michael marriott, offcut, gita geschwentner, and of course carl clerkin. ill take loads of pictures and post them up after my visit.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Mega busy

been really busy with a big uni project- urban environments in lavapies madrid- check the project blog untill im done.




Tuesday 4 November 2008


Staying up to watch the election. think he has done it.......fingers crossed.

Sunday 2 November 2008

Bottom Drawers.

Gitta Geschwender draft stopper

Michael marriotts window bench

These are some pictures i took at an exhibition by Carl Clerkin called bottom drawers in Ealing. Carl took us down there on a big red bus to have a look around and gave us a chat about the background of the exhibition. I have to say that it was a really beautifully thought out, and thought provoking exhibition. The gallery area was filled with photographs/ close up snap shots of all the people who contributed to the exhibit- most being Carl's friends and family. It was a look into peoples homes and how people live, and a look at how "stuff" makes a home. All the contributors had also made pieces for the exhibit. of furniture and products- some of which are included above.
The whole exhibition was so beautifully delivered and there was a real honesty about the whole thing. There was also two films being shown one about hoarders which was pretty horrifying and sad, and also a more light hearted one of Carl's families "red spaghetti" cook off- which i stole the recipe for and tried and it is good. It really had me thinking about it afterwards and left me feeling really comforted in some ways because it was a insightful and charming look at how people live.
Thanks Carl.


Woah!!! haven't updated this for a long time but I have had so much stuff on recently. Been working on two college based projects, a personal furniture project, and also been trying to get some portfolio ideas together.

I have been feeling more and more frustrated lately with university. As i have said in previous posts the changes at the college in terms of workshop facilities have been extremely disappointing. To be honest there was a part of me that was really excited with the new 3d CNC facilities we have there, and I have made use of the 3d printer already which was amazing. The problem I am having is that making things is my passion, and the workshop has more or less completely gone. I feel so let down by the university it is untrue, and although as students we have stood together on the issue it seems the "men in suits" are not going to budge. It really pisses me off when people who have no idea about what we need seem to completely neglect a course that has produced some of its finest graduates, and also has some of the best tutors.

I'm feeling frustrated because I am thinking that could be quite detrimental to my development and experimentation process with different materials. I literally cannot explore metals in any way shape or form now as we do not have the facilities. although I am in the process in having an old project sand cast- outsourced, but its not the same as doing it yourself.

I'm also frustrated because to be honest university is turning out to be nothing like I had hoped. Many of my peers on the course have so little enthusiasm or passion for design and making things, or any motivation to seek out designers, materials, new processes and no idea of taking risks and having fun. I feel a bit lost at the moment and am desperate to meet like minded people who are creative and want to actively pursue interests and projects that arent directly given out by the college. I figure that if you do not want this enough- you will never make it, and being around creative people and people who are inspirational and enthusiastic massively helps in a creative environment. I had that when I Lived in Nottingham and i really miss that now.

anyway that's my rant over, I have decided that I am going to try and take full advantage of all the new technologies at the college as much as I can whilst I am there- and take part in anything else I can extra curricular to try and get together with some other people and design and make things together!!!

On the plus side going to Lavapies in Madrid this week for research for a community project out there with IDEA students as well- who i must say are awesome and really into it which I am finding nice- also working within our group is Wumi- who is one of the people on my course that actually do inspire me because she is pure crazy!

will try and get some pics up when I'm back.


Wednesday 8 October 2008


These are some pictures from a Handle project conducted alongside IZE handles. I designed a range of handles for the Kitchen- an area that the company had yet to move into. I decided i wanted to design handles that were extremely functionally orientated and that were tactile and honest. The cupboard Handles are small and sit upright on the cupboard door making them easy to wipe down . They are based on the relationship a user has with the door as we generally only use a few fingers to open them. The door handle follows the same priciple and is a reduction in size in terms of more common handles. It gives a more natural feel and tactile nature to the handles giving the user a comfortable experience.
I think it is interesting that we do notice the feel, weight, and strength of a handle and its mechanism- and this contibutes to our experience.
The final product would be Cast in Blackened brass to give a Matt look, and an honest and manufactured/ Crafted look to the products.
IZE has expressed some interest in taking them on I believe although I havent heard anything directly yet so fingers crossed.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Travel and sustainability Project

Got a new project at university about sustainability in terms of travel and transport. I am unsure of the direction I am going at the moment but from some initial research I find it amazing how different cultures travel, and how that people in the UK are far more sceptical and unwilling. People drive to the local shops to get a pint of milk, and drive to the gym to go for a run? Its baffling- but these are areas that need to be addressed- however I could find that these are cultural patterns, and an overall shift in attitude and lifestyle maybe needed.

I find it amazing how in Africa, Asia, and the Far East people who don't have the luxury of individual cars travel. They undertake there days activities using the most basic and organic (natural) transport methods.

A big problem is energy- and i think there needs to be a movement into where a person needs to create energy in order to get some back- turning perhaps kinetic energy into stored energy that can then be used as power.

I also find it amazing the example that Holland are setting. I understand it is a flat nation but they have a similar culture and similar lifestyle and similar weather patterns to the UK yet the use of bicycles in Holland is far greater than in the UK. They are a great example of sustainable nation in this respect. I am finding the way people travel in different cultures inspiring.

Friday 3 October 2008

Product meet up & design museum:

Last night met up with some of my course mates and a few new guys that our joining this year. Was fun and had a catch up- we got talking about the workshops at our uni being removed to a much smaller capacity. I have been thinking about it alot, and was considering going elsewhere this year. They have apparently removed all the bigger machines, large saws, lathes etc which completely limits the products we can design and make. To be honest it has really pissed me off because I think it is extremely important to get an understanding or materials, and working with different materials and manufacturing techniques. I understand they are looking to new technologies and rapid prototyping methods- but I think that making models in a range of materials not only benefits each project but also increases my understanding of how to make things and material properties. Guess I will just have to see what happens and then make a decision- who knows it could be a positive move?

Then today I headed down to the design museum to check out the "Design Cities that changed the world", exhibition. I have to say I really enjoyed it- It was a exciting incite into the way design has developed, and how these different cities could be attributed to the design industry as it is today. I particularly liked Paris, Los Angeles, and London 2008. I found it extremely exciting that London is being considered at the present time is a hub for creativity throughout the world. They had loads of Eames furniture there and also had the Samsung Phone by Jasper Morrison- never seen it first hand and even though its old now I want one. So beautifully simplistic and sleek.

I also found it interesting that the Eames Furniture, Le Corbusier chairs (swivel armchair), Marcel Bruer Wassily chair, didn't seem to have dated whatsoever- these pieces still are completely relevant and would fit seamlessly into a contemporary space- much like I feel Jasper Morrison's furniture and Industrial facilities products for example will do in the future. Its this under styling and simplicity matched with beautiful craftsmanship and thought process that make the products timeless.

Also bought my mum the Azumi Snowman salt and pepper pots- as one of her Birthday presents-

I will force good design on my family if it kills me!

Monday 29 September 2008

Saturday 27 September 2008

Wednesday 24 September 2008


Big fan of Nina Tolstrup, got introduced to her work at college she works and lectures there and found an interesting article about her and her design process and thoughts which gave a incite into a great company. above picture was her contribution to TEN: Wood at 100% design.
article link below;

Tuesday 23 September 2008

My Bike..

Got it about a month or so ago after I got sick of gear changes on my Claud Butler road bike.. its a Charge Plug 2008- and is brilliant. I'm running it fixed and changed the handlebars to a riser and the saddle and grips. Charge, in my opinion make the best best bikes around at the moment. So So strong and pretty light considering its steel- i think its the lightest bike I have. Also it is a really beautiful frame they have got a great balance between performance and aesthetic. Anyone going to buy a bike I would get a Charge if your going single speed check out there website www.chargebikes.com. Bikes are the way forward, cheap to buy and run, fun to ride, good excercise, and ecological. WIN/ WIN.

Only problem is its becoming like a project and i find myself obsessed with checking for new bits and bobs.

I'm like a proud father!

Paul Cocksedge- human?

I saw the Below installation at Milan 2008 for Swarovski Crystals and blew me away- and also saw a show on channel 4 about the above image again for swarovski- and I have been looking at his website and articles on the net- and have come to the conclusion that the guy is maybe not human- it is insane how remarkable his installations/ products are- a seriously clever and imaginative guy, but perhaps not human!

First Post. 100% Design.

Went to 100% design show on Saturday- was pretty fun a lot of cool furniture and new technologies on show.
There was an amazing array of fixed gear bikes- something I am hugely loving at the moment- it was for a new pigmentation process a company was using and all the bikes were amazing. My bike is getting there but nothing like these!! Was great but depressed me a bit.

Highlights were seeing Sam Johnson's Net chair- Sam was first year tutor at uni and his chair was really beautiful and surprisingly comfortable. Deceptively comfy and it won a few awards as well. Was made for mark designs a new company in Cornwall who all seemed really nice and kindly let me take the above picture. I also enjoyed the Ten Exhibit "wood"- went back to it around 3-4 times. Great sense of humour and fun they've got.

The David Mellor metal work stand was also great but they were a bit more strict on photos- got some cool handouts from them though- and has made me want to design a dining set. really beautifully made cutlery- really old school manufacture mixed with sleek contemporary design.

Congratulations Sam!