Sunday 14 March 2010

Filtering media Techniques/

For my final university project I have decided to run two projects that grew organically from research I undertook. The first was explained in a previous post about Virtual Protest in a Physical world, the second is on filtering Media sensationalism and spin to reduce the amount of fear and alert generated.

Although I ha vent settled on any ideas just yet, my initial response for the work in progress show we held is below. Its called the good morning group. It was a way if visualising the areas I'm thinking about and my research outcomes to start a discussion and debate about what it could be and what needs to be addressed.

The idea was based on conversations I had with various journalists, as well as reading a lot of books and articles. The techniques the media use to sensationalise stories are made up of a few standard techniques and phrases.
My thinking was surely with the internet allowing access to a huge number of news sources, could a system be set up that gathers the ten most googled stories of the day. Could it then gather these stories from a number of news sources and then scan them and provide you only with the most objective news stories? What would be the effect of this? Would we even enjoy it if it wasn't sensationalised?
With the internet now enabling anyone who is a consumer of the internet to also be a producer of information, and allowing us to access huge amounts of information at the touch of a button. Is it not now more important to understand how to judge a source rather than learn dates of battles, or the periodic table? Should their be assessments on googling?

Is it about filtering media techniques, teaching people about these techniques, or just drawing attention to them....? I'm not sure but its going to be fun to explore them all.

Some Pics of me making the mock ups...

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