Sunday 31 May 2009


Was fantastic. still tickets so go check it out.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Cinq Cinq Designers. Design and designer book

When I was in Milan a few weeks ago I went to the Cinq Cinq show. i have had huge admiration for them for a while now, and I bought a small book by them whilst i was there. I have read it and it is a really great quick read. It details alot of their projects and gives a clear indication of their process and ideas on design, and the "medicine for objects", producing objects that prolong other objects that are seen as dead, or obsolete. Their approach is quite conceptual and extremely honest and really refreshing. A really fantastic company thoroughly focused on thinking! Clever and smart observation, and simple design solutions with real moral and social conscience.

designing interactions.

Just got through designing interactions by Bill Moggridge. Really fantastic and insightful book into the birth and development of interaction design as a discipline. There's some really fascinating parts of the book, what I found most interesting was the Doug Engelbart section on inventing the mouse, and printers for digital photography section. The book is great and I am going to re read it and make heaps of notes because it is probably the most comprehensive book on interaction design I have seen. Its really beautifully illustrated as well especially the drawings by Bill Verplank. A must read. Also there is a lecture by Moggridge at Stanford on YouTube about the book, with excerpts from the DVD. Link below.

Objectified Tomorrow.

So so excited, so much so infact I will be missing the at least the first half of the champions league final.....

So cool.

Lego have made some frank lloyd wright arcitechture models. so cool. Falling water and the guggenheim are the two I have seen.

Monday 25 May 2009

Pretty Green.

Cannot wait for this stuff to come out, about time someone made some clothes that people can actually wear. Love what he says about skinny clothes and pointy shoes.

Secured Internship at Curventa.

Oh Yeah!
Excited and scared, seem like great guys so really looking forward to it.

Monday 4 May 2009

My Top 6 Things about Australia.

So, as I stated previously I really loved being out in Australia, and as soon as I graduate I am packing my bags and going for a year- FACT. Hopefully my buddy Alex is going to come with me and get a place for a year. See as theyl be no jobs, and swine flu may have destroyed London im going to use my savings head to Japan for a month or so, then its to OZ. Met some Ozzy designers who reckon they can hook me up out there, and if not a working holiday doing bar work will be fine. Then I want on my way back to go West coast of America up the coast from LA, and then home????

So, I digress, my top 6 (??) Things about Sydney, in no paticular order are as follows,

1) CAROLINE PREISS-The aussie princess/ giant slayer. Fact- this girl is crazy crazy. A proper generous and selfless person with an amazing attitude- bloody hot too. haha.miss you loads Dexter!!!
2) BIG P SAUNDERS A.K.A BIG DADDY- I shall follow this man to the end of the Earth haha
3) Banana Bread/ Pancakes- Cannot choose between them, both awsome and cheap.
4) NEWTOWN- awsome place- cool bars restuarants and houses.
5) Empire of the sun (Although apparently their big here too), actually I may replace this with being able to get tickets to gigs easily- London is a pain in the arse for this.
6) The amazing views- I am a tourist, however the views there were amazing, picturesque. Its a place where you suddenly realise its probably the best place on Earth, welllll......with London.

Any of my mates in OZ who read this- thanks so much for all your hospitality, love, and beers. miss everyone alot. Come to London!!

Sunday 3 May 2009

some pics milano

Milan 2009

Went out to Milan last weekend for the end of design week. Was a really enjoyable weekend, and saw alot of great stuff, and alot of not so great stuff. I think the credit crunch had maybe hit, as there was alot of companies who wernt showing anything new. I have listed my highlights below, and will hopefully get some pics up soon. Great time, great food, great wine and free beer. Met loads of cool people aswell- first major chance to network which was quite fun.

1) Cinq Cinq (5.5) Exhibit
2) Established and Sons show- Insane!
3) Panasonic lighting- Naoto Fukasawa/ patricia urquiola energy efficient lighting
4) Superstudio- in paticular Phillips installation by RANDOM INTERNATIONAL

Loads more but cant remember. Heres Tsuyoshi at Established and Sons, on Sam hechts new BENCH/ TABLE

Saturday 2 May 2009