Friday 23 January 2009



apparently the brief was the future of the tap................I honestly dont know how she gets away with it. Obviously just my opinion.

Fond of these.

I like these peices of furniture. They are by Misewell design based in the US- and came accross them on design boom. I like the industrial yet elegant aesthetic style to these pieces- they are designed and manufactured locally. They look extremely well made- and are right up my street.

jay osgerby.

Interesting article on design boom with edward barber and jay osgerby. worth a read- really like this company, find their theory and approach to design excellent and interesting. Paticularly like the tab lamp.

The kids are alright....

This week has been so fun. We are running a project with a local school in Eltham- Wyborne primary. On Tuesday we went down to the school for the morning and helped out and got involved with the lessons. We helped out and got to know the kids a bit, and then went away and had to design a day of activities for them to do on thursday. This is in order to get some research on what they like- so we can design a "go go crazy bones toy" for them.
We all worked really hard to organise the day and we had 3 stations of workshops where they could create different things from components, another where they were sculpting characters from playdoh- with Sayaka Ito and Dinah Blackson- who both did amazingly well.
Then we also interspersed these with workshops where they could get involved and learn about what we do.
Esteban and Kate Smith ran a laser cutter, 3d milling machine, and zund workshop that amazed the kids.

I ran a workshop on the blufoam cutter where we gave them the opportunity to create "anything" they wanted with my supervision. It was amazing, and they came out with some crackers. Me. "what would you like to make?". Children. "a pumpkin" "diamonds" "my dad"!! was brilliant and we got some really good positive results that we are now analysing and beginning the design process.

This is my boiiiiiiiii Finn. He is an absolutely quality young man- here he is with his Blu foam arrow.
Big thanks to Wybourne School for their kind hospitality- and all the laughs. your stars. So nice to be around some people with lovely perspective on everything- and who truely "think out side the box"!!!!!


Had a go on the laser cutter today, made a few faces for my toy storage system. worked really well, after some experimenting with the speed/ power ect. Martin Charlier gave me a hand setting it all up, and we ended up cutting finger joints 3mm deep in the sides- so it can be easily put together and glued. Its really handy because the ply is only 3mm fo cutting these finger joints, and cutting the shapes in the face on jigsaw was resulting in the wood splitting- but the laser cutter did it perfectly and means there is no real finishing needed- maybe just a light sand. Was also really fun to learn how to use it- and its simple as- so ill definitely be making some more things and experimenting in the coming weeks.

Video link is below of the laser cutter in action.

Sunday 11 January 2009

Harry Hassan. monkey deck

Was searching the Internet- typed in "Michael Sodeau scissors"- and shoot design website was one of the results. It is a guy called Harry Hassan who goes to my college and is a decent bloke, and a good designer. Has a cool website- particularly like the monkey deck below.

and also michael sodeau scissors below are great, really elegant and funtional. part of the range called "Anything" with Japanese company Suikosha.

Harry Hassan-

Michael Sodeau-

pure design- magic chairs

A fresh take on stackable chairs. Pure design are a canadian based design studio. i have seen this chairs on tonnes of design websites and blogs over last week or so and I like them alot. For the family.

Saturday 10 January 2009

working on old projects/ portfolio

Last week I Have been going through all old uni projects tidying up odds and ends to stick them into portfolio. Been hectic- im excitied to get back now though and to get some new projects, and also start getting my tshirts, and stickers i have been working on made! ill post some pictures when there done. Got a really good feeling at the moment and am excited. after this term im going to Japan and Australia for a month which is really exciting so am a happy chap right now.

Some Sketches and models for a toy project I worked on last year.

Post it radio. model making.

Great style.

Saw this movie on fixed gear londons blog. Really beautiful style and mixture of footage. there blogs really good aswell so check it.


This is a trailer for "objectified"- a film thats coming out this spring on idustrial design. Its made by Gary Hustwit, the director of "Helvetica"- which is an amazing documentary/ film about the font! Honestly its goog- they show it on More4 alot so try and check it out. Hopefully this will be even better.

Apple wheel.!

this is pretty funny.

Monday 5 January 2009


New rims, hubs, tyres, straps, bars, and grips. Mud guard is a bit lame- cant wait till summer. new tyres are amazing though seem so tough- with all the rubbish washed up in the curbs its amazing havent had a puncture yet.
Going to make some stickers at uni on zund when i get a chance!!

Friday 2 January 2009

Paris. Ron Arad/ other pompidou

Went Paris over new year- really great city despite it being below 0 the entire time. went to the pompidou centre.I have wanted to go there for years and it really didnt disapoint. The builiding is incredible, and the Ron Arad exhibition as shown above was one of the best iv been to ever. It was so beautifully laid out and designed, and there were examples of so much of his work including sketches, models, and photos that were all nice to see. there was a book to go with the exhibit "no discipline"- which is all in french but was a comprehensive giude and beautifully laid out so I got a copy. have to brush up on my french!! there were films and slide shows, and also a wall covered in tubing with different products on display within the tubing. it was great.

Also in the permanent collection there was some nice art, and also some more great design. There was a section on Jean prouve that was lovely and there were some scale models of his that wernt included in the London Exhibition, and also a section dedicated to Sotsass. Some pictures are included below.

Sotsass sketches. olivetti.

Prouves structure scale models