Monday 16 August 2010

Prototyping services

Theres a lot around prototyping at the moment, and I have recently helped to set up and run a live service prototype in Cornwall as part of Dott Cornwall for thinkpublic.

We have been discussing the subject a lot and it has really made me focus down on what I think is important when prototyping, and when encouraging others to see the value of prototyping in their organisation.

My current thoughts are summarised below;

1. Its all about playing with and learning about your ideas

Prototyping is a way of understanding your ideas through

Have an idea
Creating a way of testing that idea with people
Learning from that test
Having other ideas.

2. Cheap and rough

Prototyping should be a relatively inexpensive process. This means you can do a lot of it. Its not a labour of love.

3. Quick

Once you know what you want to learn, build ways to get feedback as quickly as you can. Put stuff out there for rapid evaluation.

4. Understandable

Doesn’t need to be a “thing” but it needs to be tangible and understandable.

People must understand what your doing, so they can respond to it.

All prototypes must do something that allows you to come to a sense of what you learnt.

5. Be open minded

Know what you want to test, but be prepared to have your assumptions challenged.

6. Failure is beautiful

Embrace failures, that is where you will learn your most important lessons. Knowing what doesn’t work will help you shape what could work. Then test that!

7. Keep going

Don’t give up.

Prototyping is a way of thinking about and testing ideas.
The materials are immaterial.
Idea. Test. Learn. Repeat.

Long time, no posts.

So... its been a while. Been a really hectic few months. Finished university. Started working at thinkpublic ( as a designer which is really great. Been there nearly 3 1/2 months now and its great. Anyway thats why theres been a lack of posts.

Ill try and get better but ill be contributing to the thinkpublic blog as much as I can too so I will try and repost here.



Tuesday 27 April 2010


Amplitude from rAndom International on Vimeo.

Spent a weekend helping with the build. Looks absolutely amazing and great video.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Image Fulgurator

This is genius!

Saturday 27 March 2010

Robin Hood Tax

Video from Robin Hood tax site, an idea/ campaign to introduce a tax on inter banking transactions that then funds good causes globally. Great Idea and one to support. I do wonder how likely it would be to happen what with Global governments having such vested interests within the banking sector, and the nature of global finance meaning all banks worldwide would nee to reach agreement, which when they will be "losing" money they may not be so keen to do!!! Another good example though of people power and communication media creating movements for social change.

Enterprise Bootcamp, Soho, London.

I went to an enterprise and entrepreneurship bootcamp over Thursday and Friday this week and found it a really interesting and rewarding experience. Had a series of speakers and workshops over the two days including Adrian Shaughnessy. I learnt alot of important factual information regarding IP etc, and also the themes that ran through the days were about personal communication and being adaptable in a world where business models will need to change dramatically.

The sessions culminated in a series of workshop sessions with Susie Galbraith of bluedoor about creating and communicating a brand or message.

They also ran a personal 15 word pitch competition where we were given three minutes to develop a 15 word personal pitch......and I won it, a lovely bottle of wine which I actually gave away anyways.

However I found it really useful learning these tools and techniques to really filter what you are trying to say down to a few words. Although this was aimed at starting your own business all of the techniques could be applied more widely into personal projects and your personal professional identity.